Rise Above with RT’s Advanced Aerostat Solutions

Pioneering Advanced Aerostat Systems Since 1996. Trusted Worldwide for Military, HLS and Civilian Missions

Who we are

Creating Advanced Aerostat Systems

RT LTA is an experienced and proven provider of aerostat systems, personnel training, logistical support, and customized designs to suit customer’s special needs. The Skystar™ family of aerostats offers customers transformational cost-effective and cost-efficient capabilities for a variety of Defense, HLS, Search and Rescue and Civilians missions.

Our Solutions

The Skystar™ family of tactical aerostat systems can be operated in a wide range of operational scenarios. Skystar™ systems provide important services to military forces, police and border protection units, and to emergency task forces such as fire departments, search and rescue teams, etc. Rapidly deployed, the Skystar™ systems maintain a durable service and persistent presence while providing surveillance, situational awareness, warning, monitoring, detecting and targeting cover with a variety of sensors.

Border Protection

Border Protection

Skystar™ aerostats are ideal for surveillance of border zones known to be problematic. Using one system or more, Skystar™ can detect any suspicious activity way before…
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Strategic Facility Security

Strategic Facility Security

Skystar™ systems are highly efficient in securing the perimeter of a designated facility or compound. Due to its ability to remain in the air for 72 hours straight…
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Military ISTAR

Military ISTAR

Skystar™ aerostats are in use by modern armed forces worldwide, including the Israeli Army, US Army, Canadian Army and others. The Skystar™ system performed missions …
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Coastal and Offshore Security

Coastal and Offshore Security

The Skystar™ aerostat system can be an essential solution for Coastal and offshore security, with high-altitude coverage of the area and full-time observation of 360 degrees.
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Safe City

Safe City

Many police forces use the Skystar™ systems worldwide (Israeli police, French and the Mexican Federal Police among others). The Skystar™ is highly useful in…
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VIP Protection

VIP Protection

Using a Skystar™ aerostat system during VIP protection missions became one of the most essential layers in the security plan. From 1,000 feet high the Skystar™…
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Disaster Area ISR

Disaster Area ISR

Skystar™ is a very useful tool for emergency task forces dealing with disaster-struck areas and in the mission of search and rescue at such zones. In many disaster-struck areas the…
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